January 22

Media Lens: Examining Diverse Perspectives on the Lizzo Lawsuit

Haley Strack from National Review criticizes how Lizzo treats bodies, saying, “As for the regard that Lizzo shows for bodies, they’re her favorite toys.” Strack accuses Lizzo of not taking the female body seriously and suggests that Lizzo defends herself by saying she respects women. Strack also talks about the MeToo movement, focusing on men’s behavior and saying we shouldn’t ignore Lizzo’s accusers just because she’s a female celebrity. Sophie Hayssen from Mother Jones talks about the financial problems of the dancers, saying, “The plaintiffs claim that the singer and her production company put dancers in a precarious financial position by leaving them on ‘soft hold’ between shows.” Hayssen emphasizes how Lizzo’s production company treated the dancers and connects this problem to bigger concerns about workers’ rights: “The Lizzo lawsuit shows you can’t have representation without labor rights.” These direct quotes highlight the big differences in how each side talks about and explains the accusations, making it clear that readers need to think carefully about each perspective.